


籃球術語 中鋒:center 左 / 右鋒:left / right forward 前鋒:advance guard 後衛:guard 控球:ball control 阻擋:obstruction 友誼賽:friendly game 預賽:preliminary game 資格賽:qualifying game 落選賽:consolation game 邀請賽:invitation game 淘汰賽:elimination game 籃下竄入:to stuff 裁判:judge 運球:dribble 火鍋:block 跳投:jump shoot 罰球:free throw 籃板球:rebound 失誤:turnover 快攻:fast break 技術犯規:technical foul 吃火鍋:blocked shot 灌籃:dunk the ball 三分球:three- pointer 假動作:fake play 空心球:clean shot / all net 個人犯規:personal foul 擦板球:off the backboard 彎鉤傳球:hook pass 頭頂傳球:overhead pass 胸前傳球:chest pass 過肩傳球:shoulder- high pass 雙手傳球:two- handed pass 膝下傳球:underhand pass 兩次運球:double dribble 投籃:shoot 截球:intercept 籃下三秒:three- second 拖延戰術:set offense 搶到籃板球:grab the rebound 撞人:charging 走步:walking 阻擋犯規:blocking 絆人:tripping 拉人:holding 推人:pushing 帶球撞人:charging the ball 連罰:multiple free throw 籃框:basket 中圈:center court 禁線:restraining line 帶球走:running with the ball 跳球:jump ball 跳球太早:to jump too soon 罰球線:foul line 撥球入籃:tip- in 雙方犯規:double foul 籃板:backboard 低拍傳球:palming the ball 居中策應:to pivot 跳傳:bounce pass 緊迫盯人:pressing defense 滾傳:roll pass 擋人:blocking 轉身投籃:to turn and shoot 籃外空心球:airball 團隊犯規:multiple foul 側傳:sidearm pass 2 - 3區域聯防:two- three zone defense 2- 1- 2區域聯防:two- one- two zone defense 人盯人防守:man-to-man defense 2006-05-16 22:18:37 補充: 空中接力----Alley-oop扣籃----Slam DunkCut ---切入 Fast break---快攻Foul strategy---犯規戰術 Give and go---傳切戰術Goaltending ----干擾投籃Hand-checking ----以手掌推擋進攻球員之犯規 2006-05-16 22:19:02 補充: Illegal defense ----非法防守 Jockey for position ---卡位 One-on-one defense----人盯人防守 Pick and roll----擋切戰術Shot clock violation---- 24秒違例 Technical foul---技術犯規Three-second violation----籃下3秒違例Traveling ----走步 Zone defense---- 區域聯防





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